Monday, November 24, 2008

The Lord has blessed our family in so many ways. We went from single parent, only child a family of 5, pratically overnight. I'm not saying everything is smooth sailing, but we are so happy to have each other. Praise God! He is a good!

With that being said, let me update you on what's happening in the Higgins house.

Ashlee is in the 5th grade at Rogers Middle School. She does well in school and has joined the Photo Editing Club (takes after her mother's heart). She adores her best friend Tori, who spends lot's of time with us.

Sydney is a second grader at Silverlake Elementary. She is our social butterfly, who has many friends. Sydney loves to draw and has an imagination that "wows" me sometimes. It wouldn't suprise me if she didn't design a clothing line when she grows up.

James is almost 15 months old. He is always on the go...exploring. He knows how to say shoes, juice, ball, and no. He signs "milk" when he is thirsty and "all done" when he is finished eating or done with his bath.